
Single-lift steel structure for cycle path bridge

On February 20th the time had come: the largest segments of the new foot and cycle path bridge over Heilbronn main station were lifted into place. The two side parts were previously pre-assembled outside the railway premises. The segments, each weighing 28 t, were then lifted into place within five hours using a mobile crane. The base points are clamped into the abutment bases with prepared anchor rods. The bridge deck and suspension will be installed later, as well as the paint coating will be applied.

First pillar at pedestrian and cycle path bridge

The first bridge pillar for the pedestrian and cycle path bridge over Heilbronn main station has been completed. The forked reinforced concrete bridge pier is located between the tracks in the area of the former platform 2. The next pier is already being formed in the background. The bridge with a total length of 183 m will span the railway site on a total of three intermediate supports from autumn 2021.

Cement silos in Nairobi

Construction progress on cement silos, 10 m diameter, in Nairobi, Kenya.

Job offers

Interns / Civil Engineering (f/m)
Are you a student of Civil Engineering and looking for a semester internship or want to deepen your study knowledge? We currently offer places for the practical semester in structural engineering / structural engineering. You are also welcome to create your thesis with us. Further information can be found on our Contact page.

Construction Progress Cement Plant Schelklingen

Construction progress: The assembly of the steel structure of the heat exchanger is completed. Preparations for installing the facade are currently underway. The main structures are currently being built on the clinker cooler building and the SBS hall.

Cement plant, Biskra, Algeria

Construction progress at the Cement Plant CILAS: the clinker silo is approaching completion

Multi-compartment silo for cement, Tula, Mexico

Construction of a new multi-compartment silo in Tula, Mexico: assembly of the roof structure.

Inauguration of the IBIS hotel in Tübingen

The new IBIS hotel in Tübingen will be inaugurated on May 25th. The Peter and Lochner office is responsible for the structural planning. Special features of the structure were the manufacturing methods, which partly included semi- and fully prefabricated parts in reinforced concrete, as well as the horizontal loads from earthquakes and one-sided earth pressure.

50 years Peter und Lochner: book presentation

On the occasion of the office’s 50 years anniversary, a book was made showing an overview of the office’s development and showcasing exemplary projects from the sections bridges, industrial plants, silos / storages / tanks, buildings, towers and masts ans historical buildings. The Office managements invited the founding partners and the current associates for a common dinner and presented the book – hot off the press.

New pedestrian and cyclist bridge, Stuttgart-Vaihingen

On November 19, 2015, the new cyclist and pedestrian bridge in Stuttgart-Vaihingen was inaugurated.

Celebrating 50 years of Peter und Lochner: Paris visit

Founded in 1965, Peter und Lochner celebrates its 50 years anniversary. On this occasion, the staff and their partners were invited on a two day trip to Paris.

Cloud No. 7, Stuttgart
Topping Out Ceremony “Cloud No. 7”, Stuttgart

In May 2015, the topping out ceremony for the highrise building “Cloud No. 7” at the “Europaviertel” in Stuttgart was celebrated. Dipl.-Ing. Roland Wetzel is the proof engineer for the structure of this project. Photo: Madeline Lu / Schwäbische Wohnungs AG